Photography Salon Submission
The 33rd ASF Photo Salon will celebrate the delicate beauty of images of caves, cavers, and caving. $3 per photo details below. Photographers does not need to attend the conference, however entry is restricted to ASF members.
All images must be of caves, cave-related subjects, or cave-related humour.
1. Story — maximum of 20 images depicting a caving story, a certain cave or exploration/expedition; include cutlines (caption information) for each photo
2. Entrance — a photo of a cave that includes the entrance in some way
3. Life — a photo of the biology found in caves; such as bats, salamanders, troglobites, plant roots, mould, etc.
4. Cave — a photo with the main content focused around the underground environment and/or cave passage
5. Caver — a portrait of a caver, where the photo is centered on the person
6. Formations — an image of a formation or formation area; macro photography is included here
7. Humor — a funny image taken inside or outside of a cave
8. Science — focus on the scientific aspect of caves; must explain the reason behind the photo and/or the subject of the research.
9. Manipulated — a photo that is created by computer manipulation; such as removing or adding parts to an image
A maximum of 3 images per category will be accepted per photographer (Story - only one entry)
Images entered must not have been awarded a place in a previous ASF Conference photo competition.
All entries must arrive no later than Jan 5th, 2024. Only Digital Entries will be accepted​
Digital Image requirements
Digital images are to be in a commonly used image format - JPG or PNG for example. Each file must be less than 5MB in size.
Please submit images with full file names. They must be given a file name in the following format; Category number, photographer’s name, Title (01_NadineMuresan_Into_the_Unknown.jpeg)
Entry Fee
$3 per photo to be paid to:
BSB: 633000
Account number: 208994491
Judging of each category will occur prior to convention by a panel of 3.
The most popular vote will be determined at the Caving in the Moonlight conference.
Where to send Digital Images
Entries can be submitted to via WeTransfer or Dropbox.
Photo Submission Agreement
All works entered for the competition must have permission of the rights owners for all data used in production of the entry. The copyright of all entries will remain with the authors. Entries may be reproduced for display during the 33rd ASF Conference. All reproduced entries will be credited. No further use will be made of any copies without permission. Entries may be used in Caves Australia. No rights will be conceded to sponsors or other parties without permission of the entrants, and entrants will be free to set terms for any such use.
Entrants agree to the following:
0. Definitions
0.1 “Caving in the Moonlight” used below refers to 33rd ASF Conference Organising Committee and Australian Speleological Federation Inc, together with their members.
0.2 “ASF” used below refers to the Australian Speleological Federation, Inc.
1. Copyright and Permissions
1.1 By submitting works to this contest you confirm that for each work submitted -
1. If you win we will use these images I. Caves Australia to represent winner.